
In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I havent ranted in a while, and this will be short because its real late.

Spring break for me was horribly short, I came back up to school Tuesday night.. late and the roads were really really quiet. I didn't realize why until I woke up and saw the snow storm out the window when I got up to take a piss. My roommate was home too, he came in that night, and I took a piss and decided to go back to bed for an hour or so in light of the weather. When I woke up I couldn't tell if my roommate had really been there, but I shrugged it off, poured out the moldy coffee left in the coffee machine (it had only been there since last Thursday), looked in the fridge, and then put on some layers to head out to the store.

Once I got outside I couldn't even see my car. So many times in the past few days had I seen odd odd weather. That fog was fucking awesome that last Friday, and this wasn't quite as cool since it was cold and windy. I didn't have my ice scraper, so I slopped the wet snow off the car with my wool gloves. I got in the car, turned the key.. and the car didn't want to start. It wasn't even turning over. I was ready to kill something because I had no food in the house. But then I turned the key one more time and it started without a hitch. Weird.

The 7 mile drive to the store took an hour. I couldn't see much beyond my car, and there were lots of cars on the road. I bought a lot of food at the store, and an instant camera. Included in my purchase was a blender and fruit. So I also bought some beer (case of heineken) and vodka (skyy was on sale, but I really don't know my vodkas.. everyong goes absolut when i notice).

The drive back took longer. I snapped some photos along the way. At one point a dumb ass farmer in his farm truck laden with cinder blocks decided to overtake me. See, I was going almost 15mph, and he overtook me at 20mph or so. At one point I thought he was going to skid into me, but instead he did the opposite, he took off on the left hand side of the road into the ditch/gully/whatever. Only after did he start sliding off did I notice the car coming in the other lane.. he had no way to slow down to get behind me, and couldnt overtake me in time to avoid getting hit head on. Anyway, I grabbed a shot of the truck in the ditch too, we'll see how that comes out.

That night I started my project for my class.. I was going to make an adaptation of Paper Boy in Shockwave (its a shockwave related class). I got interrupted to re-activate my Netflix account and queue up about 30 movies, but basically worked on the shockwave crap. I ended up scrapping the Paper Boy idea, and decided to do Bubble Bobble. By Thursday night, I only had it rendering the levels based on ascii text.. its like my own version of ANSI.. but not using any high ascii.. so much simpler.. but can draw the same shit really.... ANYWAY.. I checked my mail and my first three DVDs had arrived. Amazingly fast delivery through the USPS. So I had to watch Waterworld.

Waterworld is a movie I had been wanting to see since it premiered. I was unable to see it because I wasn't around a theatre that had it.. but it made all this news, and was a movie I had wanted to watch before it came out. And since it is one of those eyesore movies, it is never in video stores. Since Calliander has only the power to order films such as Watch Granny Tinkle, I had given up my quest to watch Waterworld. But Netflix has it, and I finally saw it.

It was okay.

I actually like mariner type crap.. like 15th-17th century trading ships.. pirates, etc. I like it in books, especially Wilbur Smith. But this movie was like a bad comedy for some reason.. even tho its not a comedy.

I kept thinking the bad guy was Patrick Stewart at times. Weird.

I did a bit more work on my game, and went to bed. Woke up to the phone ringing at noon on Friday. It was my neighbor wanting to know if I wanted to go to this bar near here. This girl he knows is now bartending there. We finished our first pitcher by 2, waiting for the rest of the people to arrive. They left before 4, and we went back to the complex to meet up with some other folks just getting off work.. and then we went to another bar I guess. I don't really remember, there was dinner in there somewhere.. but who cares anyway. I was wasted still at 2am when i collapsed in bed.

Spent Saturday, Sunday, and Monday working on the game. It is still not done.

Shitty past 5 days except for that Friday. And I still haven't had time to finish Insult either. I don't see it changing before May. I think it will be much better, but the dwindling readership will continue to dwindle until May I think. Ah well.

Okay, bed time.

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