Do you know where I can find Goo Gone?

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Well, I keep meaning to post more.. and I will hopefully make this short because this still feels like work to me.. hopefully not for long though.

See, when I moved to LA I was working at an office. Long hours, yes, but I got to go home at the end of the day. A little over 6 months ago, I started working from home as the office deal I had ran its course, and I couldn't afford to pay rent myself again.

Well, working from home does have its advantages. I get to have access to the full array of kitchen provisions, the BBQ, and the kegerator (which has been woefully empty since MAY). The problem is that I can't leave work and go home. I am back into a situation where I can go from bed to work without touching the ground (my desk chair and bed are basically next to eachother).

If I had the real time for a social life, this would impact it I'm sure. I have three high resolution monitors on my desk. I lack geek pride. Just imagine the reaction a pretty girl would have. Perhaps not horror or disgust like what I feel, but it wouldn't be good.

But it's about to change. I will be working the grind out of an office again, and my apartment will return to being a home. I am going to try not to have any computers in my room with the exception of my laptop that I need to function.

But moving sucks. I have made more moves than most people do in their lifetime. And this most recent one is quite excruciating as it is moving very slowly. I will spare you the full explanation because it is quite boring. The bottom line is that moving sucks.

Went to the beach yesterday, and I think I did take most of Sunday off too. The beach was good. It's finally warmed up, it feels like the beginning of summer here in SoCal. We're all expecting an indian summer. I heard it might rain next week too.

Archie has turned into more of a workaholic than even he expected I think. EA feeds him when he works like this (12 hour days), and I'm sure he could use the cash. He's probably going to post on here since I gave him a login just now.

Anyway, I am going to go burn some dinner.

I use my body to pee.
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