In category:Life
Post by:Caniprokis

ok as most of you who read this know i WAS a jock in high school and you know what i do find myself thinking that perhaps i did reach my highest point then and i do talk about it alot cus its something that seperates me from everyone else. alot of jocks feel this way because we feel that we canot compete with you "nerds" in the brain department. alot of it is penis envy too even for the girl jocks its like im better than you cus i can do this and make myself be pushed beyond what i thought i could do. meh i dont know really i think its all about what your brought up to beleive...i was told from a young age that its right to play sports and to be "the best" and to be a "team player" i do think that sports can help you to develope better people skills because it forces you at a young age to work well with others who have simulare goals and it can not always but can prodce some good leaders in a way only found in kids will play sports cus i think its important.....fuck you

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