In category:Comedy
Post by:Calliander

Well, I must say that after hunch's most recent post, I'm going to give up any hope of being the most-hated poster. Blow up China... Heh heh heh, yeah.

Well, for those of you people just tuning in to Insult, I'm going to break the sacred rule and introduce everyone and give a short background (at least, for the people I know). So here goes.

Pappy - Pappy's real name is Mike. He's colorblind and a paraplegic, but he has a hell of a great attitude about it. He really gets along well with everyone he meets.

Calliander - My real name is Damon. I've got a selective photographic memory - that is, I only remember certain things exactly as they happened.

FlyingTim - FlyingTim's real name, surprisingly, is not Tim - it's Jon. He's a greasemonkey who really likes poetry. He spends a lot of time jogging at dawn, as well.

Wilson - Wilson is really Wilson. He's very lazy and didn't feel like making up a nickname for himself on here. He's a wacky guy, though, and spends a lot of time memorizing dictionaries.

Lio Convoy - Lio's real name is Ken. He's black, and used to be a very heavy guy. He has an obsession with action figures and facial porn. He also likes kitties.

GatekeeperTDS - Gatekeeper's real name is Lewis. He is hunch's brother, so that's why they fight so much. Deep down, he loves his brother, though. Both are native american.

Stone - Stone's real name is Jimmy. He spends a lot of time playing the Sega Saturn and practicing becoming the uber-best at every fighting game on the planet.

SpoDudeZ0r - SpoDudeZ0r's real name is Paul. He helps coach the town's little league team. (GO HORNETS!) In his spare time, he hunts rabid squirrels and rabbits.

Peps - Peps will kill me if I say his real name, but he lives outside of the U.S. He's really rich and takes us all out for dinner every weekend. In his spare time he buys "favors" from U.S. Senators.

Levres - I don't know much about Levres, but her real name is Jill. She and Wilson are in a relationship because Wilson needs insurance and she can take advantage of him.

Caniprokis - Caniprokis' real name is Sean. He came here from Ireland a few years ago, where he was an IRA bomber and sold marijuana. Now he's a telemarketer.

Preacherman - Preacherman is another guy I don't know. I don't even know his real name! He's Mike's roommate, I think, and I believe Snackman's sidekick as well.

Arcee - Arcee's real name is Rachel. She's a high-class, or "up-town" girl, and she dates Sean. She's a regular contributer to the Washington Post newspaper, believe it or not.

hunch - hunch's real name is Jeff. Aside from being Gatekeeper's brother, he's also a high school senior and valedictorian of his class.

Qava - Qava's real name is Patrick. He joined the U.S. military and now lives overseas, temporarily. He owns several sports cars and drag races frequently.

Twistedevil - I don't know Twistedevil too well, but I do know her real name is Melissa. She likes to raise money for the "Make a Wish" foundation in her spare time.

Syn - Syn's real name is actually Nys. He's of asian decent - his family comes from Burma. He will be designing microchips for Intel come next summer, wish him luck!

Bean - Bean isn't a poster, but he should be. His real name is Avery. He lives in Florida with Danny (see below).

Bloody - Bloody's real name is Danforth, but we call him Danny. He lives in Florida with Avery. He also isn't a poster.

So there we go. That's all the posters I know enough about to say something. Screw the rules, Pappy, or should I say - MIKE?!? And they do put labels on pens, in a way - the cap usually has a colored piece of plastic on it. But you're a colorblind, paralyzed fuck, so you wouldn't know that! You didn't walk into any meetings, you lieing cripple! Caniprokis sure knows what to do with cripples!


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