Divinity Schools

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

Well- you could easily make the argument for the necessity of divinity schools purely on the strength of the literature that's studied. Even if the basis behind it isn't really rationally defensible, the Torah and Bible are great enough to almost feasibly justify their own program of study. Then, once you add in all the philosophy and criticism written on or about Judaism and Christianity, you've got even more stuff that could be studied. And then, there's also the fact that these books have resonated through culture for so long - through everything in the humanities, politics, heh, economics, even. I don't think that most people in Divinity Schools are trying to prove the existence of god, anyways- moot subject, right, they've failed.

Almost Famous - high quality movie, very pleased. Funny, touching...something about music just doesn't connect with me, the whole starry-eyed rock breath-taken absorption thing. And, whenever I see movies about that thing, it makes me wonder whether I should've experienced that thing, or whether I should be going through some sort of wistful longing for back when music was real- nothing there, I don't wish for it, don't care. Eh. The movie made me want to grow a mustache.

Take a cocktail glass, swirl bitters around in it for a while until it looks coated, and pour gin that was in the freezer into the glass, half full. This is good.


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