Dingo Steaks and Lamb Coats

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

I haven't ranted in a long time, and a lot has happened, and I wish I had written more down.

It feels like a year ago that I was in europe. Hell.. Thursday feels like months ago. I am exhausted, and on my way to bed..

I don't think I have ranted since coming back. The day after I came back, I went on vacation to Vermont (camping) with Wilson, Flyingtim, Stone, and Caniprokis. Flyingtim's little brother came too. It was not the relaxing trip I had planned on. On my way up to Vermont, I got a call which meant I had to go to Clinton real quick. It was less than a 2 hour delay to get to the camp site. That evening was fun.

It was the next morning that sucked. I woke up refreshed at dawn. I was still god damn jetlagged. At about 8:45 I get a call saying that Branford has no power. Great. Power was restored at 11:30 though. But it meant I was on the phone all afternoon getting things back online. Bah. Found a cybercafe near the campsite. Nice cybercafe.. it was basically a hippy coffee shop with four computers and DSL. What a cybercafe is meant to be like.-- break in story::

See, cybercafes are meant to fill a fucking need. They have to have an atmosphere to them. They cant just be a room with terminals and an espresso machine. You really need it to be a comfortable hang-out type place where the computers are secondary.--

Anyway.. this cybercafe was nice because it was more of a hippy hangout.. friendly people, lots of coffee, good music. A place to sit around and drink coffee. No one was using the computers, except me when I sat down ($2/hour to use them). Anyway... long story short that day was not as relaxing as I would have liked since you arent supposed to work while on vacation.

Then, the next day Stone decided he had enough with the sleeping on the ground in a small tent. So, I drove him the 65 miles to the greyhound station. I was back in time to make brunch with the others. We then went to Ben & Jerries (the ice cream place..) that afternoon.

Saturday was the day. Caniprokis wanted to spend the day alone in his tent with a jar of lube or something.. I don't remember what the day was meant to be.. but it ended up being us playing cards and relaxing all day. It was real cold at night, but the day was hot. We all got burned that day.

So, I got back on Sunday quite early.. and the week flew by.

I knew that Caniprokis was going to fetch LioConvoy from school on Friday.. but he wanted to fetch him friday and then come back Saturday. Saturday (the 4th) we were meant to go to a concert (Trey Anastasio) up at the Tweeter Center (boston). The concert starts early, and its nice to get there early too.. sooo, that wouldnt have worked. So I went with too, to split the drive up. Lio has no insurance, nor has he driven in many years. Wilson can't drive either.

We left Caniprokis' house at around 10:15am on Friday. Thanks to the wonderful directions from Mapblast or Mapquest or Mapfuckyouoverwhateveritscalled, we ended up going the wrong way around New York City and ended up going by JFK and Staten Island. It sucked. We lost 2 hours like that. We then spent half an hour at a rest stop (lunch I guess.. not sure why we were there that long). Then we spent another half hour on the side of the road in Pennsylvania waiting for the HEAVY HEAVY rain to slow. The rain slowed us down too. Caniprokis also has to piss every hour. Soo.. it took us a bit over 4 hours longer to get there than it should have.

We left State College, PA at around 11pm. I was driving hte way back. We stopped every 45-60 minutes for piss stops, but that was it. I was home at 4something.

Then, just before noon I woke up because we were going to the concert. I picked up Flyingtim (late) at 12:40. Then we fetched Wilson. Then we fetched Caniprokis and were off. We stopped a few times, but the drive is short. We made it there early enough to get into a good lot.

When doors opened, we werent even searched. It was silly. They then wouldnt sell me a Heinekin because I have an out-of-state license that says I am under 25. I was able to buy Bud Light from another vendor (cute blonde, 5'6", clear eyes, a touch of lipstick, butterfly earings) tho..

We had lawn seats.. the lawn was wet. We bought lawn chairs.. well.. rented for four bucks a chair. The concert rocked. I didn't notice any bugs too, which was nice.

After the concert, we were to drop Wilson off at Levres' house... 20 minutes away. An hour later we get there.. chill for a few minutes, then head home. We got lost going in the wrong direction, so basically it took an extra three and a half hours to get home.

When I got home, I went to bed.. out like a light. And I should do the same now.

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