Ding Bat Whorna

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Well, today was an odd day.. odd indeed. It was one of those days that you know sparks a change in something bigger than what you can contemplate in that moment.. and it's one of those things that isn't sparked by anything in particular. There are life changing moments like winning the lottery or getting caught doing something illegal, but there are also moments that are really nothing at all.. but they change something.

Today I was woken by my roommate, who needed me to move my car, at around 9:30. I barely slept last night (Fuck you Burger King), so I groggily went to move the car, and on my way back upstairs I ran into Wils0r and his family (they're in town for a week's vacation), and after a short hello I went back to bed. I woke up nearly two hours later, and I did some work. Eventually I got bored being at home and I called Caniprokis. We then went down to Venice Beach for a few hours (man, I want to live there) and came back home just before 7pm. Caniprokis and Kevin left a little while ago to go grab some dinner.. and that's my day. I am now sitting here typing this while watching Kevin's cat nearly fall off the balcony. The little bugger is fearless and clumsy.

Ok. Insult gay-ly deleted half my post. Fuck it.

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