Did you guys go to the beach?

In category:Drugs
Post by:Calliander

LOL. You guys have some sandy vaginas.

You have a sense of superiority over marijuana users because you are a douche bag.

This part is true.

Because all of the kids in high school who were having more fun than us used marijuana and you have never grown past that and been able to say "whatever makes them happy."

This part is not.

I'm sure if you asked most Marijuana smokers why they want weed legalized they would say "So I can smoke it and not get arrested", or at least that would be the reasonable base line "Well, DUH!" reason that's so fucking obvious it doesn't even need mentioning.

You bitches have to remember where I live. It's like a way of life in the LBC. I'm gonna copy and paste from FB here: You guys (my friends) bring up valid points because, if you use, you're responsible about it. I probably should have mentioned that what sparked my vitriol in this was, while viewing the mentioned video about medical marijuana this one guy said, "Yeah, and like, I totally need it for like, this leg," and he points to his knee, "This knee and stuff. I messed it up skiing and it relieves the pain. And then it helps with like this shoulder that's always like, flaring up."

If I could meet that guy, I would love to just say, "Dude, seriously. Stop fucking lying. Come on. I don't believe you, nobody believes you, even you don't believe yourself. So just tell the damned truth." Don't even tell me you believe that shit.

If the governments of the world didn't criminalize such a harmless plant, people wouldn't have to die for it or lie for it or anything else.

Also, Devlin, I never said THC was addictive. I just intimated that it fills some sort of void. The best word I can use to describe that is addicted. Therefore:

As for it's mentally addictive properties... anything can be mentally addictive.

Is correct. Perhaps, though, my use of the word is not.

Normally we take your bullshit comments with a grain of salt and say "That's just Mike being Mike.", but I think you stepped over a line here and owe some people an apology.

I don't owe anyone an apology. You guys know better than to think I was aiming that at you. No lines were stepped over.

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