Delicious Ass

In category:Education
Post by:Pappy

I am accustomed to a bad penis-vagina ratio wherever I go. Whether it's friends, parties, classes, dormitory floors, or whatever. It's always a "sausage fest" as Caniprokis likes to say. It sucks having 90% guys in a class at university, especially since it really is the only place for me to meet new people each semester.. well, the easiest place. I don't want to make friends with comp sci students, etc.. I know enough already. I want different, and it's nice if they have boobs and a vagina.

Somehow I have lucked out with teh whole situation this semester. My floor is mostly female (and not only female, but ATTRACTIVE female). And while three out of five of my classes are 90% male, I have one class that is close to 50% female and another that is more than 90% female. That class is linguistics, recommended to me by wilson, who took it last semester. You would have to pay me to drop the class.

Now.. there are a few added bonuses here. For one, the class involves group work and everyone shows up to class early. See, it's no good to be around females unless you have the opportunity to talk to them. This class I do have that opportunity.

There is another bonus, but I need to hear a female opinion on this observation: Girls seem to be much more agressive when there are lots of other girls, but few guys. It is early in the semester, freshman girls don't really know too many people, and in my linguistics class, I didn't see any two girls that seemed to be friends. You can never approach a girl when she is with a group of friends.. but its different when they're around strangers.. brings out their aggressive competitiveness. Now, I am not the best looking guy at all, but for some reason I got the feeling there was a lot of something (god knows what) in the air.. one chick was staring at me at one point.. that was a little too weird, it was like she was an animal staring at some meat. That sounds weird when I type it.. its just the feeling I got.. it is very difficult to describe. Eck, just weird I says.

There are some girls sweatpants look hot on. I figured out a basic rule for wearing sweatpants: They must be worn with a belly shirt or sports bra. Similar rule for track suit pants (the ones that go whiss-whiss-whiss when you walk), except those should be tight around the ass.. baggy track suit pants just look weird.

I am still trying to understand the way girls act in my class situation.. I'm bad at picking up signals when I'm involved.. well.. bad at reacting to them, I'm usually a bit slow.

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