Death to Brian Ling

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

I hate any music that my stupid sister listens to. Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Dido, every single Destiny's Child ripoff, Destiny's Child, etc. It's all crap and anyone that considers any of that stuff music deserves to be anally penetrated repeatedly with a searing metal rod. Furthermore, I'm tired of hearing these Limp Bizkit sound-alikes, too. Limp Bizkit is crap and so are Linkin Park and Crazy Town and all those ones I don't know the names of but hear so frequently from the fatass's room. Of all this new crap coming out, though, I think I hate Nelly Furtado the most. She's utter shit. She can't sing, her hit song on the radio now is terrible, and she needs to die quickly.

Also, any person who uses the word "bling", especially rappers, needs to be shot on sight. I've been informed by Caniprokis that Arcee uses that word and the only question I have for our good friend Arcee is "Why?" I don't understand what she could apply it to, but she's spared from the murdering spree. But anyone else better look out. Those McDonald's commercials are so fucking stupid it's beyond belief. Bling is so fucking 1996.

Bean beans. It's all about the bean beans. Stün knows what I mean.

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