Dear Mark,

In category:Sex
Post by:Caniprokis

Well since insult has become a data base for learning about relationships fist let me warn you about some people. calliander, lio, and pappy have no good ideas about anything. sorry guys but its true.

ok now as far as i can tell she dosent really like you either if your having bad sex its cus your not into it and she probly isent either. most likely your both sick of looking at each others shitty faces and couldent stand another minute together even if it ment death. and mark think about this, if the sex is that bad now and it hasent always been then shes prolly already fucking somebody better than you and shes only giving you a pitty fuck. futhermore, if shes fucking somebody else shes working it so that youll get her some nice shit for christmas and then shell dump your ass faster than you can say "rock your socks off". so if you want my honest opinion you should kick her ass to the curb as soon as you can. itll be all that saves you from total destruction in the end.

948 out

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