Dear Israel

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

I'm sure you thought you were safe from my ranting because I'm a liberal. Well, you believe in a fairy tale: so you get picked on as well. With that, I have four words for you.

Shut the fuck up.

America does not belong in Syria. We should never have made the threat in the first place. Your opinion on the matter is of no consequence and I'm, frankly, tired of U.S. politicians kowtowing to your whims on the basis of you being America's ally in that region. You're not going to suddenly stop being our allies and if you do, good luck.

"Oh, Calliander is an anti-Semite." Nope. I'm treating you as 'fairly' as I would treat any other religious organization, which is to say not fairly at all. I'm not an anti-Semite, and I'm not even going to qualify that with examples of Jewish friends or whatever like an anti-Semite would do. As I say to people who think I target Christians/Muslims/whoever unfairly: I care not what your flavor of faith is - only that you have it.

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