Da Yanks

In category:Sports
Post by:FlyingTim

I guess I'm a graceful Yankee fan...but I'm not happy that they lost. I mean, they're my team...and therefore I want them to win. I've heard some people say that they're glad that the Yanks are out to give another team another chance. Fuck that...the fact that the Yankees have won so many World Series lately is only a reflection of how well they have played the game; and perhaps how poorly (Boston) many other teams have played. Baseball goes in cycles...if you've been watching it for any length of time you would know that. The talent on the Yankees have played well together for some time now. It just lined up that way. The way it did for the Braves in the early nineties, the way it did for the Athletic's in the eighties and the way it did for the Yankees in the late nineties. Sometimes you get a team like that. They don't have a monopoly on baseball. The last two years should serve as a pretty good example for that. So lets end the anti-Yankee crap, shall we?

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