CSC 101

In category:Education
Post by:FlyingTim

AH yes....the wonderful class of Computer Science 101, Introduction to Computers. And no, its not, Hello Mr. Computer, what is your name? Its the grueling process of getting up in the morning to attend a class that could very easily be taught over the internet...but then, I suppose the people who would take this class seriously don't know what an internet is, or where you ever begin shopping for one. "Can you get those at Wal-Mart?" I heard one woman asking her fat and old counterpart, "Cause they have EVERYTHING at that store. Maybe I'll check the sunday paper again for some coupons, maybe they have a cheap one on sale I can use."

So it's that time of year again, the constant battle between work, school and sleep. Who will win? Sleep, of course. That's sort of a stupid question.

I'm taking this English poetry course, which I thought would be the one to make me want to take my own life aroud mid-terms. But, I think I'm going to be wrong. The professor is awesome...he reminds me of Lio before the Great Thinning. He's really tall and has a stomach on him, but he also wears these gigantic rings. He came into class yesterday morning wearing a flannel shirt, untucked, sweat pants and a pair of Airwalks. He also acts like Lio maybe he's his long lost uncle or something. He makes inappropriate jokes, then grins the same way Lio does...its goddam uncanny, but nevertheless comforting, in a weird way. Also, on an interesting sidenote, part of the required 'reading' is Monty Python's The Meaning of life, as well as Monty Python and The Search for the Holy Grail. Thanks, Professor Lio.

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