Crazy Crackers

In category:Politics
Post by:Kevin

We can split hairs, but the reality is the current President is very involved with the conservative Christian movement. Him and Ashcroft love this group of Republicansm because they ARE this group of Republicans. Ashcroft thinks dancing is immoral! Not since the days of Reagan have the Religious Right gotten there way. Stem Cell Research: nearly banned. Partial Birth Abortion: about to be banned. Bush also keeps putting tax money to Faith Based programs.

I have no problems with a Republican in office - but I have massive problems with the above.  If you going to vote for Bush, then you are going to vote for the Religious Right.

And for those of you who get all worked up when someone mentions this war is about oil? Look at what Robert Novak (die hard republican/conservative) has written. Keep in mind, I personally am fine if this war is about oil. I just want people to admit it:

"Military victory (against Iraq) is anticipated inside the Bush administration as the tonic that will prompt corporation officers and private investors to unleash the American economy's dormant power. Although it is impolitic to say so, the fact that the United States will be sitting on a new major oil supply will stimulate the domestic economy. That puts a high premium on quickly gaining control of Iraq's oil wells before they can be torched--a major uncertainty in an otherwise strictly scripted scenario."

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