
In category:Food
Post by:LioConvoy

Well folks... I'm a week into the Atkin's diet, and things are pretty cool. I get all the meat I can eat... steak, bacon, pork... it's great. But one fault I can find with the diet is these cravings I get. Right now I'd fellate someone for a sprite, but I can't because sugar is a carbohydrate. It's especially shitty because I work in a dorm cafeteria where I am surrounded by carb rich foods on every side. I was working in the dish room the other night watching a peice of chocolate cake go down the garbage disposal saying "Damn that looks tasty"... I WAS ACTUALLY CONSIDERING EATING A WET PEICE OF CHOCOLATE CAKE THAT SOMEONE THREW AWAY!!! But I held my will power, and did not eat the cake. As long as I take this one day at a time... I should be fine.. but goddamn, what I wouldn't do for a chicken parm sub with a large pizza on the side.

Plus add to all this test of my willpower, all my asshole friends and roommates going, "That can't be healthy." or, "I don't see how you can lose any weight on that", or "Even if you do lose weight, you'll just gain it back". I love my friends dearly, but for once I wish they'd just butt out. Do they have medical degrees... no... Have they even read the the Atkins book... no... Do they understand what it is to be a fat man in today's society... no... What they don't see is that even if I do eventually gain the weight back, even if the diet makes me sick, even if this diet kills me, I don't care. What they don't see is that I'd sell my soul for their worst day as a thin person. I have been overweight all of my life... I'm done.

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