
In category:Money
Post by:Stone

Well, for the first time in I don't know how long, I don't really really need money, which is mildly comforting. Nonetheless, this school still sucks too. 1st, I owe the school and the government an unbelievable amount of money in loan debt. Absolutely unbelievable. Private schools are a really, really dumb financial choice- I just can't see how the name on my eventual diploma will translate into a concrete monetary benefit that will take care of the huge added expense. Even if my mother could have paid for school, I should've taken the difference between the cost of attending here and the cost of attending one of the other schools I got into and invested it, put it into an index fund or something, for a while.

So, last semester I owed the school X amount of money, and I was able to get registered without paying the school all the money I owed them. It was nice. X amount of money starts accumulating interest at 1.5% a month in January. La, la, I ignore the "pay us" letters, keeps on gathering interest, and by August, the total's grown by almost 13%. Okay, fine, but, then, right before I get registered, pay off the old debt, all that, they send my account to collections, and charge a 15% fee on the past due debt amount - I'm up to 30% more than what the initial debt was - in 8 MONTHS!

I wish I could buy Cornell debt and deal with it the way they do, I'd be making sick amounts of money, that's what, over 40% at least annual interest? Bastards. They do a lot of other annoying things, like charging $6000+ for 8 months' worth of occupation of any of the terrible little singles on campus.

Like, all in all, the school will have been 'worth it', but, financially, it's a mess. I should be getting my first Big Red Donations call next semester too, and I have a lifetime of them to look forward to.


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