
In category:Politics
Post by:Kevin

I grew up in a very political family. My father, my mother, all my uncles allserved in political office. It is totally in my blood. I used to go down to DC with my father and met all his political friends and watch how they operate.

I dislike politics. It is all about power and bullshit and rarely is ever about helping people.

When did I spout Democratic Libertarianism? I'm not a Democrat.

I strongly believe in survival of the fittest. I believe it is true in business as it is true in ones personal life. The weak do not get anything. Only the strong. We need oil. It is time to get it out of Iraq. I just wish politicians would be honest of why were doing something instead of bullshiting me. There is way to much policitcal correctness in this country.

When did I saw I was against the war on Iraq? War is going to happen. I asked why we aren't more worried about a rogue nation with nukes? So Stone's logic is for now to ignore Korea (which is at stage 5) and let them get even worse? Honestly, I don't think we'll do much about Korea because Bush will be to afraid about his run for future office. If he goes and invades the North tons of American's will die. Died Americans is not how a President gets re-elected. Also there is no oil in Korea. Iraq is far more important, because of that wonderful black liquid.

How is the Christian Coalition done? I deal with these folks on almost weekly basis. For those that don't know I write for various adult magazines and adult websites and deal with lots of legal issues. When Bush was firstelected, theFeds went after tons of obscenity busts. People that I work with and people that I am friends with. People like Adam Glasser (aka Seymore Butts).They (the Feds) were ready to fry these people, but after 9/11 thefunding got cut and re-directed to other sources. So the feds quickly settled the cases.

The business that I love and support and 100% believe in would be outlawed under the Republican party.

I receivedinformation today concerning three new judicial nominees that the Christian groups are backing. I'm in the process of writing an article about these judges.These three judges would like to see abortion outlawed and would like to tell me what consenting adults can do sexually. Orrin Hatch is pushing these judges through. The Christian groups like Pat Robertson and Morality in Media are very powerful lobbying groups that love these judges. And Bush loves them right back. I'd be the first to stand up and say YES to the Republican party. But I want TRUE separation of church and state. I don't want any Christian group in bed with any party. Not this bullshit that goes on right now. Also your statement that Porn is only dealt with when criminal acts are involved is wrong. Remember it was Reagan that had the war on porn. He had the Meese commission and Nixon went after porn as well. Clinton backed away from fighting porn and through his time there were almost no obscenity busts expect for child porn (which should always be busted and prosecuted).We're back once again to our current President vowing to fight pornography and abortion. The reason I lump them together is because they are both about the sexual rights of a person's body. They are about a persons right to choose what they can do with their own body. The government has no business in my bedroom. Until the Republican party 100% backs away from this, I will never ever vote for them. Bush Sr. had it right. Too bad father and son are not alike. Bush Sr. basically told the Christian's to go fuck off. Some say that is why he lost the election because he lost the conservative vote.

Face facts. This country loves Christianity. You could have a Buddhist run forPresident and be as conservative as all the rest, but he will never ever get elected. Hell, JFK alone had tons oftrouble getting elected just for being a Catholic.

This country is supposed to be about freedom. I don't see how the Republican's lead me to any better freedom. I'm not much of fan of Democrats either, but at least under Clinton I made loads of money and could do what I love. To me the ultimate freedoms is to make your own choices. That is true freedom. I think America is getting closer and closer to these freedoms.

At some point last year William F. Buckley wrote in the National Review that conservatism was dead. I wish he was right.

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