
In category:Life
Post by:Peps

Hmmm. I don't know. I can see a problem with letting the general public e-mailing us about our ideas. With my pro-atheist posts a few weeks ago I can see getting a lot of religious groups hounding me. Ugh. Well, I'm at least glad to see that I'm not one of the most hated among the authors, because that will likely be less superfluous e-mail for me to deal with. And in addition, lets try to keep the sight as anonymous as possible, so even if we have photos, lets not use photos that we will be easily identified by, because some of us might be identifiable by means of association with those who show their photos. I think its best to keep precautions since I have heard a lot about fucked up people leaving e-mails and death threats for Pappy by e-mail.

But anyway, yes, Flying Tim, there are some dumbass people with advanced degrees out there. I really dislike literature proffessors that insist that their ideas or perceptions about a particular piece of literature are completely correct, but don't really have the evidence to support their ideas beyond any reasonable doubt. Its not like the discipline of literary analysis is a science. The ideas can not be tested in an experimental manner, and the data do not speak for themselves. Literary analysis is always subject to interpretation, however, there are some people out there that refuse to recognize this. I hate that. That is just one example of stupidity in academics. I also hate historians that come up with conclusions that are simply conjecture, but can not be proven or disprooven, so they insist that it is fact, such as the idea that "Slavery in South America was worse than slavery in North America". Ugh. Its completely subjective, and stupid. Meh.

Anyway, Pappy what is it with the British English lately?

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