Clinton, Bush, Drugs, People

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Yesterday morning, I woke up via alarm.. and decided to go to physics late. So, I slowly got ready, took my time with breakfast, etc... I then decided to head down to physics, only about 20 minutes late. Enough time to participate in the "class talk" (in class quiz type thing, taken on the calculator). I get down there, and I go in the back way (to not disturb the lecture too much) and slowly open the back door. I look in... and hte room is practically empty. Levres was there, but the class hadn't started yet. My fucking time was so wrong, I ended up there early.

Anyway, after Physics, Wilson and I sat around in the campus centre for a bit.. then we went to operating systems.. the class is soo boring. After that, I went back to my room.. Wilson went to LEvres' place to take a shower. I did a bunch of work in my room in the afternoon.. while watching CNN every so often.

Calliander.. this bombing is nothing new. They do shit almost daily to Iraq, usually it doesn't require hte president to approve it.. but yesterday was a bit different. Clinton's old aides don't really think anything of what happened yesterday since it has been happening all the time. The only thing is, this could become more of an issue.

So, after I get sick of hearing the same information on the tee-vee.. I turned it off and just listened to some music, and coded. I eventually heard from Wilson that he was going with Levres to pick up a friend of Levres at a school an hour away. He had also given me a URL to a great site: It is a guide to buying and owning a monkey. A baby monkey of the type I'd want would only be $2500.

A while later, Preacherman and I are starving.. waiting for Levres and Wilson to come back so we can go eat. Levres got a flat tire. It had been snowing out all afternoon.. sort of lightly.. no more than an inch fell. She slid into something with her car. FlyingTim did a similar thing a while back.

Anyway, AAA changed her tire for her, and she came and fetched us. We piled into her car, and she drove us to my car. Dang she is not a safe driver. We were sliding all over the place, I am amazed nothign was hit.

So, we went out to dinner to Applebees. I had the riblet and chicken basket. Riblets are not too bad, as long as you dont have much.

Afterwards, we stopped at stop&shop for the essentials (snacks) and went back to my room. Now.. Levres' friend doesnt smoke or hasnt ever.. dont know which.. so LEvres didnt smoke either. Now, I know that watching people smoke is not fun. So really, I think that no one should have smoked because it feels all shady and weird if two folks arent.

The fan was blowing hte wrong way too.. so the two RAs on duty came and gave a knock. She told me to try to air the room out, and that was that. I dont know why it was blowing the wrong way.

So, they left.. Preacherman read some maxim, Wilson downloaded mp3s.. that was that. I dunno.. It was silly.

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