Cigarettes, As Well

In category:News
Post by:Calliander

I'm really getting tired of all these anti-smoking laws and shit, along with how ridiculous we are with regard to second-hand smoke. You all know that I don't smoke, and nor have I ever, but I think smokers shouldn't have to curl up into a ball somewhere secluded from society. Think about the benefits in relation to the complaints about smoke.

Second-hand smoke is bad for children! Great! I agree. So don't let your mongrel spawn out into the world. Chances are that if you care enough about the subject, your children are just as much of douche-bags as you are. This means that I can go to a restaurant I like and enjoy a dinner devoid of babies crying and sociopathic toddlers refusing to behave. The same goes for movie theaters, malls, my apartment's courtyard, and a wide gamut of other areas.

Second-hand smoke is bad for me! I agree, again. Also, once again, I must point to the mewling fatuousness inherent in subjecting yourself to it and then objecting to it. Don't leave the house would be my recommendation. Smokers shouldn't have to modify the behavior necessary to facilitate their addiction for your pansy ass. The upshot of this is that I don't have to listen to whine about how there isn't enough room for soy milk in your faggoty latte, overhear your paltry opinions on Yeats nor have to see you in your asinine Crocs.

Cigarette smoke smells bad! Well this one, I just disagree with, actually. I quite like the smell of most brands. Granted, there are a few out there that make me wonder about the sanity of the person smoking them but I would say the vast majority of cigarettes are fine. Anyway, I digress: The point is that the smell brings me back to a time when the only cares we had were whether to get two boxes of cinnamon dough dabs from George's Pizza or three boxes.

That's all I have to say for now. Perhaps I shall revisit this topic, bitches.

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