
In category:People
Post by:Peps

Wilson, Levres, don't worry. I have heard a lot about your concerns over Pappy not wanting to live with you two next year. Let me tell you a little something about him. You see he and I went to the good ol' Republic of South Africa for about three weeks this past summer. I had to share a room with him for that whole time, and I quickly learned that he is completely insane. I can't stand him one bit. After about two days I wanted him dead. The man constatntly goes on and on about Appletiser and Aero bars. We went hunting out in the North West territory. I wanted so badly to shoot him. God damn it. We had acess to guns 24/7 for much of the trip, and I could have done it at anytime. Shit. Well, if I had done it I likely would have ended up in a South African prison, that wouldn't have been that great. It still would have been better than that time when he got naked and lubed up with canola oil. Oh well. Thats just a bit of encouragement for you. Oh wait. Sorry Pappy.

But wait, we have Argentinian Christian groups monitering our site?! What the fuck is up with that? Jesus fucking Christo! (Thats Hezus for you Gringoes out there) Although I must say that I find it amusing that they believe that satan lives in people's butts and anal sex gives birth to him. HAH! That is hilarious. Granted, satan probably does live in Lioconvoy's ass, but that is such a silly concept. Wow, a lot of people have reacteed to this topic. That is fucking disterbing. To think, we get the most reaction from our audience, whoever the fuck they are, when talking about putting objects one's rectum. We have spoken about more traditional forms of sex on this site, you know, the whole penis and vagina thing. Does anyone react to that? Is this some sort of lost art? Doesn't anyone have something to say about that? Are we a world of people that just sit around cramming things in our asses? Damn. Has there even been an e-mail about foreskin? Has there? That is almost as useless a subject. Idunno.

People who read this site make me sick. What the fuck are you doing? Go CNN and read the news or something.

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