Children at Play (Two Sides of a Coin)

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

So I'm standing over in left field here. You know, it's not too bad right - the weather is nice, the grass isn't too high, decent breeze, birds chirping, all in all a wholesome place. And you know what? Right now, I'm here with a bunch of left-wing op-ed columnists... and their hated enemy John McCain. How is it possible to be here with both, you ask? Sarah Palin, that's how. Her choice as Vice President brought out the worst in everyone. I didn't really think it was possible to be more asinine than the idiocy Hillary endured but I must tip my hat to my left field comrades.

First of all: McCain. Wow. The fact that anyone could consider voting for the man is astonishing based on his complete metamorphosis into the ass-kissing, pandering ninny he used to profess a dislike for. I mean, most Americans vote on stupid shit like that, alone... but for the intelligent folks, I still can't understand a vote for the man. Throw out the deficit, the Bush Administration's unbalanced budget, the cost of gas, and all of the other stuff. Throw out the promises of tax cuts, the "stimulus packages," and the war in Iraq. Toss all of it out and prove to me that these Dubya-era Republicans have been fiscally conservative. Have they been a mite less spendful than their Democratic counterparts? Sure - just not by a whole lot. You can't prove it because it isn't true. They are just as ready, willing and and pompous enough to spend your tax dollars on stupid shit as a Tyco executive on a gold-plated toilet. McCain represents this same lack of fiscal judgment because he's running under the same banner as Bush and Co. A vote for McCain is a vote for continued spending. A vote for McCain is also for bigger government. It's also a vote for invasion of privacy. That's not Republican. That's why he doesn't make sense. The current line of social conservatism goes completely against the typical Republican line of not having the government interfere in people's lives. So how do you make a difference? How do you get the party back on track? Abstain from voting or vote for someone else. If that means an Obama win and four (or eight) years of crazy Spend-o-crat rule, so be it. Sometimes, in order to cause change you have to create adversity.

That said, if you look solely at the pick of Palin as VP on its own, it's a step back in the correct, progressive direction for the Republican party. If you look at her pick in the context of the election, though, and what she was chosen to represent, there are a few things that put McCain over here with me in the land of childishness. The primary reason is to go after the disenfranchised Hillary supporters. The secondary reason is to counter the extreme age of the Republican Presidential Candidate: a fresh face of their own with little experience. It's like the RNC and the McCain campaign are run by kids. Come on. I have nothing against the woman - I know nothing of her and had never heard of her before all of this - but she's a terrible choice. The move stinks of desperation, perhaps a sign that MAYBE the Republican Party has realized the election will not be as close as the media is making it to be. Maybe they've realized they need to take some drastic steps to gain the confidence of the American people. This is not the way, however. They need to get some self-awareness and cast down the neoconservative mantle they've picked up. Let's get rid of the wholly and unequivocally un-Constitutional Patriot Act. Let's not tell people who they can or cannot fuck. Let's stop burning the taxpayer's money on stupid wars.

But they will continue upon their current course if people keep voting for these assholes out of fear for some faceless, terrorist idea. Or if they think that gay marriage is so important that it needs to be banned right at this exact moment, or the same with abortion... or any other trivial matter. The current Republican Party has lost its direction and is out of touch with America and what real Republicans want and it is exactly that which has landed their current figurehead out in the boonies with me.

That brings me to my other amigos: the lefty bloggers and op-ed folks.

Oh, you people think you're just so witty and intelligent. Article after article calling Sarah Palin an Eskimo, or spouting off some completely uncalled-for and tasteless commentary about her choice to have a retarded child, or downplaying the success she's had in the political arena due to the amount of motivation she's had, or just being spiteful. Grow the fuck up. Your attempts at repartee do nothing to mask the obviously puerile message that your editorials emanate: "Yeah, she's a woman... she's just not with the right party." As if to say, she's not a real woman or something. (Hey, Colin Powell, sound familiar?) I think the closest anyone's come so far to actually discussing something about her rationally is the off-handed mention of her anti-abortion views. Other than that, there is nary a lick of anything remotely resembling talk about her voting record, what policies she backs, groups she counsels with, or anything else. But hey, she was almost Miss Alaska and she's kinda hot! VPILF, baby! She calls her husband the First Dude! Alaska is near Russia so maybe that means she thinks she has experience in foreign relations! I am so witty for thinking this shit up! And all I have to do is tack, "And the policies that she would endorse as John McCain's VP would not be good for this country," onto the end.

I win.

So what you're telling us, o wise and jocular op-ed writers, is that it's fine to go after someone of the other party with the same baseless and immature attack propaganda you decry when it's used upon your candidate... because they aren't on your party. Right? Respect is only deserved in one direction, am I correct?

Sounds like a double-standard to me.

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