Childish People

In category:Journal
Post by:Levres

I got something to rant about. I hate childish people who hide behide things such as an AIM screen name.

So say I'm a TA, I give out my phone number and email address so people can contact me. Say my email address happens to be AOL, so now they know my screen name too. I don't care. If people want to message me and ask me questions, that's fine. I'm a nice TA and I'd be more than happy to help. However, having some friend of theirs IM me and bash me is not cool. If you don't like me, don't deal with me. Don't talk to me, don't get help from me, whatever. If you don't like the way I do something, here's a thought: grow the fuck up and tell me in a mature way. Maybe I can fix the problem. Maybe I can't. Either way, anonymously leaving instant messages is weak and childish.

Say you're a fat, dirty, dumpy chick going no where in life. Say you also happen to be my roommate's best friend. You're not hiding behind a screen name, you even give out your real name. However, IMing my boyfriend and claiming to be better looking than me is retarded. What the fuck are you thinking? He's going to say, "yes, you probably are, let me leave the woman I love so I can be with a dumpy ugly whore who's fucked half her town, had one baby already, aborted herself, and who would make me have to deal with a girl who likes to suck cock and her thirty year old boyfriend." Um, no, he'd probably like to tell you to fuck off, but he's better than that. I'm not though, FUCK OFF APRIL. You're childish.

People annoy me sometimes. It's so weak and immature to hide behind screen names and insult people you don't even know. It's weak and immature to not hide behind screen names, but insult people you don't know. Wilson cares about me and he's not going to take the word of some gutter whore over his girlfriend on something he knows about for himself anyhow. What were you trying to accomplish other than make us both think less of you and for me to rant about you? You're a waste of my time.

1212 Out.

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