Chickies and Video Games and Baseball

In category:Misc
Post by:Calliander

That girl was insanely hot, here's to Lio not being a putz in dealing with her. She's definitely a match for him in White Wolf, but she's like Stone's (and SpoDudeZ0r's, to a lesser extent) video game match. She seemed really nice and all, but I don't know how trustworthy someone is if they're referring to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (second only to Morrowind, mind you) as, "gay as hell". Very odd for someone to be saying something like that. I don't mind the hating on Squaresoft, since that's what all of the kids are doing these days and they haven't put out a game I've liked since Chrono Cross.

I'd just like to reiterate the coolness of Morrowind:

On another note, the eight game streak that the Mets had going where they scored 7 or more runs had to come to a stop at some point, but that's a hell of a run. Eight games. Phew. Making up for all of those runs they should've scored earlier in the year. Bartolo Colon, as Stone can attest to from losing to him in ASB 2000, is a freak of nature so you're lucky if you get more than a few runs off of him. At least it was only 2-1.

Fuck the Atlanta Braves, however. Someone's got a put a stop to this Braves/Yankees madness, though. The Braves have been too good for far too long now and Yankees are quickly approaching that mark. What is it, six years in a row now that they've been dominant? Yankee fans are so nuts that Mariano Rivera blows a few saves and they're talking about trading him like he's lost his game or something. HE'S MARIANO RIVERA, GOD DAMN IT! Do they even realize how much better he makes any other team? They're hitting so many home runs that it boggles the mind, and the management is concerned about the run production of their outfielders? Sweet Jesus! Well anyway, D-Lowe's Red Sox obviously can't get the job done and it's doubtful that the Schillingjohnsons - er, I mean the Diamondbacks - will take the same route they went last year. The Expos are going to be contracted and Frank Robinson is leaving at the end of the year, anyway. Fuck beans.

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