Charged Up Ramvolt Flickers

In category:Technology
Post by:Pappy

Monday came and went. It has now been over 8 days since a streak of negativity entered my life. I may sound like I'm complaining a lot, and I am..

Really no one can comprehend the loss of so many thousands.

Anyway.. onto the more meaningless, narrow drivel which has nothing to do with anyone besides myself for the msot part.

I found out I got into the flash animation class. The comptetition was tough, but my shitty animation (which ill post on here sometime) was decent enough. Its nice to take a creative class, even if it still is 95% male. I also thought that it would be more interesting since I thought I knew little to nothing about flash.. since I last played with flash when Flash 3 came out. Not much has changed since then, and its too similar to every other film/animation tool. So I am sitting through class where they explain fairly intuitive tasks TWICE. Its only twice a week, and counts as an elective. I also enjoy animating.

Unfortunately I wasnt allowed to use drugs, sex, or violent humour in the project. I played it safe and stayed pretty clear of it.. but I think I know of some places where the line is bendable. Remember, even a five year old knows a dirty joke.. usually involving poop.. (ahem Not that the Gatekeeper ever acts like he's five or anything).

All my projects are basically judged.. like a competition. I only recently realized that all classes are like that. You are battling your classmates, hoping to be at the top of the scaled grades. Everyone does bad, the scale is big.

I buggered up my laptop yesterdya. Sort of sucked. I have no CDROM for it.. and I was trying to install Windows XP. Well.. XP would not install and I didnt have a 98 cd copied to my D: partition. So I installed Linux on it, copied over a 98 disc.. isntalled 98, then installed XP as a clean install on the other distribution. I had installed 98 on the wrong drive, so i formatted C: AGAIN, installed 98 on D:, then installed XP on C:.. and now I'll format D:. Awefully involved and retarded. But I wont pay 300$ for a CDROM.

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