Changes are around the corner..

In category:Insult
Post by:Pappy

I'll be updating the site with new features soon. New features to include:

  • The ability to filter posters (now you can easily ignore the authors you don't enjoy reading)
  • E-insults. These were supposed to be part of the original feature, but will only now get added
  • Tell a friend about this post will get finished
  • There will be a list of all post titles.. well.. the last 15 or so, including all authors, so even if you ignore one, you can still see the titles
  • Some portal features for my own personal use.. such as weather and world news. I'll make it so you can have your local weather in there too if you define it in your account (which is another new thing)

Do kids chant walmart shopper now instead of kmart shopper? Remember that ten years ago? Or do they chant both kmart shopper and walmart shopper? Anyone know?

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