
In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I haven't posted in a while, not really at least. I barely even read the site. I don't do much of anything lately except work.

I avoid confrontation like the plague. I don't know why, but that is just how I am. I keep my thoughts to myself if they're too confrontational, and slowly release them to those that can understand. My friends probably have noticed this. It is so extreme that I can sit by and do nothing while others around me do some really stupid things. In many ways it is because I don't feel I have the open history to back up what I say.

Everyone who knows me sort of knows a different me. I don't know why, but I don't like to share with those around me, however close. Some pretty major things can happen, and one or two people may know about it. A few years later, I may be comfortable sharing after-the-fact information- but not always. I don't really mean I have a lot of secrets.. I just don't share. I have no idea why that is though. Part of the reason is probably fear. Fear of what people will think of me, fear of how they will react, etc. And it doesn't really matter how close I am to a person to feel this way.

But let me get back to my original thought here. I could write so much more about the above, but I'll save it for another time.

People change. Everybody knows this, but it still comes as a surprise at times. People don't change overnight, so it can be hard to notice the changes- especially if you are close to the person in question. So, has Stone changed? Yes. Was it overnight? No. Is it more noticable now compared to August? Absoolutely. Part of the reason, I think, is because Stone has lost a lot of weight. Physical changes like that really make you analyze a person a lot more. But the changes have already happened. I've noticed Stone turn into a republican more and more. Not to mention him pointing this out months ago. I still think of him as a democrat though.. just because he's still too poor to be a good republican.

Another reason, Calliander, you might be noticing these changes is because you too have changed (we all have really). I personally think they're good changes, but Spo and Lio and various others are having difficulty adjusting I suppose.

Lio, I think you feel that you haven't changed enough.. you've changed in many ways, but my guess is that there are a few things you've tried to change that you haven't yet been able to change.

I don't really have a point with what I'm saying. I just think that everybody needs to understand that we've all grown up, and we are different people than the folks we remember. Feel good knowing how far we've come though. How many other groups of friends have remained so close since high school?

Lastly, a message to those complaining about Calliander never being around: Leave him be. Just be supportive and enjoy his company when he is around. You can't bring the old Calliander back. He'll learn to balance out his relationships with friends and the girlfriend eventually.


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