Catching up

In category:Life
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Hey all, I haven't checked out the site in several months but I figured I should since I completely missed out on Blood's birthday, Stone being back in town, etc. Let's see if I can catch up:

Bloody: Happy birthday bro, I'm sorry I missed the Mohegan trip. I didn't hear about it until after the fact.

Calliander: Your weed tirade was silly. 99% of pot users openly admit that they want weed legalized so that they can avoid getting arrested. Your abstinence from pot use doesn't make you smarter or better than anyone; your assertion otherwise makes you sound like a flaming douche. Lio already covered most of the reasons pot should be legal (tax it, save money on law enforcement, clear room in the prison system.) Also, why are you supporting Obama if your heart lies with Ron Paul? Their views on the issues are about as far apart as you can possibly get. Obama wants bigger government, Paul wants much smaller government. Obama is pro-choice, Paul is militantly pro-life. Obama wants greater globalization, Paul wants isolationism. Obama opposes offshore drilling, Paul supports it. Obama's a black guy, Paul's a white guy that hates black guys. The list goes on and on. You're adding support to my theory that Ron Paul supporters just want a shiny new club to belong to.

Stone: What do you think of D&D 4th? I desperately wanted it to be great, as it seemed like it was going to address most of my issues with 3rd, but I just can't get into it. It feels like World of Warcraft (from the power cycling to the lame new races to the monthly subscription fee), too much classic stuff is missing (Gnomes, Druids, Barbarians, Monks), the magic items are in the Player's Handbook (heresy), and they're going to release a new PHB and DMG every year (heresy) along with splatbooks (fuck splatbooks). Giambi's mustache is fucking great. Do you think Boston should pick up Manny's $20 mil option for 2009?

Caniprokis: With D&D 4th all the classes and races are supposedly balanced in combat, which means they're all also balanced outside of combat, which means everyone's functionally the same (no casting charm person or invisibility and stealing an NPC's stuff, for example). The game is dedicated to stopping you from powergaming and getting cool magic items. You'd hate it with a burning passion.

Everyone: Lio and I have been playing a Savage Worlds game for a few weeks now called Necessary Evil and it's pretty awesome. The gist of it is: aliens invade earth and the superheroes all run off to fight them. The superheroes die, the aliens take control, and now the supervillains are all that's left to form a resistance to the alien occupation. The Savage Worlds system was pretty much designed for our group, as it's strength is running awesome combats with 50 combatants and tons of tactical maneuvering in an hour or less. I'd like to bring everyone into the Necessary Evil game, it's a lot like our old Shadowrun games. I miss all of you, it'd be awesome if we could organize a game night like the good old days. If anyone wants to check it out just drop me a line and I'll send you the ebooks. Our game day right now is Tuesdays.

Lio: Happy Birthday, I still can't believe Custer fried his brain trying to summon a happy meal.

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