Catching up

In category:Misc
Post by:Levres

I haven't read Insult in so long that I had to go to the previous 10 posts, almost to the next previous set. Anyhow, here are my random comments.

Gatekeeper and/or Lio, since you have done Atkins, I was interested in doing it, even read the book, but I don't think it'll work for me because I don't like enough of the foods you have to eat. For a girl who doesn't eat seafood or eggs or ham, what would you suggest I eat? I tried it for a few days at the beginning of the year and I ended up eating mostly bacon and some vegetables. My mother didn't think that eating a pound of bacon in a week could be healthy.

Lio, as for your music reviews, you liked Tori's Boys for Pele that much? I like it, but I think I'd rather listen to Little Earthquakes or Under the Pink. I have to agree (I hope I understood correctly) with your opinion of Strange Little Girls. It really was attrocious. Is she coming out with some of her own stuff anytime soon? I hope so. Also, I am a big fan of Eminem's new CD. Which two songs didn't you like? My Dad's Gone Crazy really started to grate on my nerves after just one time through. I liked the rest though.

Yeah, I think that's all I got for now. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers or whatever. Mine is going good with the exception of not seeing Wilson as much as I'd like. Hey, these are the things that make a relationship stronger, right? Yeah, that's what I tell myself.

1212 Out.

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