Casey Jones?

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Hehe... I see at least one person picked up my true intentions behind my MacGyver thing. =) Kudos to Wilson for picking it out instead of saying something about Thundercats. But the thing about calling me a liar hurts, man. I don't know what you mean by "Easter thing" (unless you mean the woman who tried to exorcise me, which is not a lie) but I don't just go making things up to rant about them on here. Yes, I've lied about a lot of stupid shit in the past (anyone remember the Bill Murray $5 bill? or making up excuses so I didn't have to drive anyone anywhere?) but that was in the past. Sure, I'll toss a little extra meat on things when I rant on here, but that's for the sake of humor, as comedians do to enhance their jokes. Either way, you're going to believe what you're going to believe no matter if from now on I just shake my head "yes" or "no" to questions. ("Yeah right, you got stuck in traffic.") And I did like Transformers when I was little. I'm not saying I watch any episodes today (the new ones suck, I don't care what Lio says), but I still think the movie is cool, and some reruns I've seen I've enjoyed. And everybody absorbs a bit of the personality quirks their friends have, so don't try to vilify me as someone Cortney-like.

"Don't knock it until you try it." That's something I used to hear all the time. (Still do, sometimes.) Now, I don't condemn drug use. I may think that some of them cause people to act in dumb ways, but I don't ever intend to tell someone that they should stop doing something they like (especially if the dumness creates hilarity). I think that maybe certain people shouldn't consume so much alcohol because they might get sick, but by no means should they stop. But that doesn't change the fact that every single drug is bad for you. Even marijuana. And you can tell me that bullshit about, "Well not a single person has ever been killed by weed." You don't know that. In fact, you're just spitting out weed-rhetoric - you've done zero research into that statement. But maybe it's true. The smoke is still bad for you in the same way that cigarette smoke is, just with different carcinogens. Either way, it harms you. Granted, there'd be no Snackman without the wonders of weed, but I don't know if the star of Snackman looks back on that episode with the fondness all the rest of us do. I wasn't really trying to say you deserved to have MacGyver break (didn't he cost quite a bit?), I was really just pissed at the idiots who carry Pooh lunchboxes to school. YOU'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL! You know? But the weed/other drugs turned them into those idiots, regardless of whether or not they enjoy those activities now. You guys don't carry around lunchboxes, so it's no big deal. But there are posers, and the only defense they have is to say that by avoiding the things you hate you become one, too.

False, as our Puerto Rican friend would say. Now Wilsor, I know you're not a poser. You were angry at my low-blow to the culture you take part in. That's understandable, just like I would be angry if someone were to insult the dork-who-lives-at-home-and-listens-to-alternative-rock-and-videogame-music lifestyle. But I am not a poser because I choose to avoid following people. If I were doing it purely to avoid labeling myself a poser, then yes, I would be. I choose to be a weirdo, but not to be weird like other people. I'm weird because I am a weirdo. I've been one my whole life. I don't think anyone can say otherwise. It's a choice, because I like to read science fiction and play video games, but not one I do to spite popular culture. As you said, "The shit I do isn't for some fucking image, it's because I like it, period." Some of these people, though, still do things for an image. And they are the posers. I'm going to stop using that word now because it's dumb. I had forgotten why I'd stopped using it, but now I remember.

And yes, my sister should stop swallowing. But I can't make her, unfortunately. =

Oh yeah, and Fugazi sucks.

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