Careful who you take advice from

In category:Sex
Post by:Pappy

I am not going to point anyone out.. I don't have enough fingers.. but:

Careful who you take advice from.

This is currently in the case of Lio, but it applies to everyone.

I just want to say one thing, which you don't have to listen to either, but... don't just sit back and expect her to come to you. You gave her your number, so she will call. If she gets your answering machine, you are expected to call her back. Don't wait for her to call again.

Also, if she gives you her number, it is likely she wont call you until you call her. Just something i've noticed. It's not universal of course, but that's what I've seen. I also wouldn't invite her over to your place right off the bat.

Also, don't call her and ask her if she wants to do something and then expect her to think of something to do. Even though you called her, you still have to think of something. Also, this is a good place to show some confidence. You pick the restaurant.. you pick the movie, etc. That is the natural thing mostly. If she disagrees, she'll speak up.. or if she doesnt like you choosing for her, she'll suggest something else. Don't order her food though..

There are funny rules for touching too.. like you brush her arm while talking, she does the same.. you then do something else, etc. Each returned touch is like giving you permission to progress.

People are odd about touching. There is a good experiment for this:

When you find the opportunity, try to brush your hand across someone elses. Don't be obvious about it, but lets say you are working on something together, reading over a girl's shoulder, etc... point out something on the paper she's holding and brush against her hand. Or, grab something someone else is holding and brush against their hand. Or, if their hand is on a flat surface.. touch their hand.. you can pretend it was accidental (like, you wanted to put your hand there, and didn't notice).

It's best to do this with either complete strangers or people you know. The reactions are funny. Most people will move their hand towards their body quickly... its often uncomfortable to be touched like that.. hands primarily. Shoulders for instance arent like that.

Be careful tho.. there are two extremes. One, you brush a girl's hand who now comes onto you (isnt supposed to be a conscious thing). Or two.. you get smacked or yelled at. It's all in how you do it.

I tried it last semester on a few people in various classes. Several girls in my linguistics class for instance. I got a few different reactions. One chick didn't seem to react at all. A girl I liked, she rubbed my leg with her foot in class (sigh.. I really liked her. Easy to talk to, pretty smile, etc.. I was disappointed when she told me she was doing a foreign exchange.. because of that, she went home to her parents every weekend to see them a bit before she went off for a YEAR to some other school) . Another girl touched me back during the conversation (too bad I liked that other girl).

Stairs are a good place to do this. Grab the handrail, but on grab someone elses hand on the handrail. Easily blamed as accident.

You're not supposed to be offended if they flinch away.. it's not conscious and should not reflect how much they like/dislike you. Other times its a come on.

Find a psych book for more info on this sort of thing.

Also a fun thing to do.. random flirting in crowded rooms.

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