Cannibalism and such

In category:Entertainment
Post by:FlyingTim

So this is how it works. Ten years ago, you put out an awesome movie, based on a great novel. It features great actors and actresses, and the actor even wins an oscar. So now, ten years later, you decide that now that a sequel to the novel is out, you can go back into the studio and make a sequel to the original movie. So you make a movie. Except you make a shitty movie. So you decide to make it exceptionally gory, bordering on campy with a certain "Goodfellas" star, to make up for how goddam boring it is. You bring back old characters, but you change them, so that they appear as evil villain cartoon characters, (think Mumra), and you plug the fuck out of it forever. Then opening night comes, and people such as myself and Caniprokis go to see, looking a good movie. And you're horribly disappointed to see that the movie is terrible, that if it wasn't for the first one, this one wouldn't last a month in the theatres. Don't go see Hannibal. Do yourself a favor and rent Silence of the Lambs. It's a much better movie, and it's a lot scarier. The only good part of the movie, which is almost 2 1/2 hours long by the way, is at the end. If you do see it, you'll know what I mean. You sit there for 2 hours yawning, then you laugh your balls off for 2 minutes, and then it's over. It's a good thing I didn't pay anything to see that piece of shit.

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