Calliander and more

In category:Misc
Post by:Levres

Calliander, you don't post much serious stuff like you said. That's too bad. This was actually my favorite of your posts. I would rather read stuff like what you recently posted than stories of your crusade against over-zealous christian women. You know what I'm saying. I liked this rant better than any of your others. That's just one girl's opinion though.

I don't know The Commie or Honey Modem or WeezerChick so I really can't say much about any of that. Here's a girl's thoughts on girls though, if you're interested. We look for your standard stuff -- attractiveness, money, car, sense of humor, intellectual level, common interestes, you know. You look for a guy that can make you smile and carry on a good conversation and it doesn't so much matter what he looks like. But, there probably is like a minimum standard. As superficial as it is, no matter how funny a guy is, if he's mad fugly, it's hard to get past. "Minimum level" is a loose term. I'm SURE you meet the minimum level. It's pretty hard not to, for me anyhow. One thing I don't really look for, I have NEVER looked for a guy that cries. Here's where I sound like a cold hearted bitch. In my opinion though, most girls look for guys that are strong, physically and emotionally. Girls are weepy whiny emotional roller coasters, we don't need someone else like that. Don't get me wrong. If you have a day with frustration building inside you constantly and you explode into tears at the end of that day, that's fine, that's understandable. If someone dies or something else tragic happens, of course it's find to cry. But, honestly, it's a little bit of a turn-off for a guy to cry in some situations. Like, say I went to see Titantic with a guy. It's a sad movie, they all die in the end pretty much. I admit it, I cried. But if the guy that I had been with cried too, I would have been really turned off. Girls are emotional, we're supposed to cry at stupid shit like that. Guys aren't.

So yeah, don't worry about crying more. That isn't always a good thing. Then again, that's just one girl's opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are girls out there that like guys in touch with their emotions.

So it's a little past midnight. Wilson is over in bed sleeping. We had a big fight about him coming up here this weekend and it was such a hassle. He ended up disappointing his family, having to cancel plans that he made with them, and disappointing a good friend that needed him. I'm sorry for that. But I am so glad that he came up here. I am selfish, I admit it, though you probably all thought that already. Wilson makes me so happy, happier than I've ever been, and I like to have him near me as often as possible. Living 100 miles from each other makes that difficult, especially with both of us having work or go to class or some other obligation during the week. The weekend is our only free time and I think that I've seen him almost every weekened. I'm sorry to take him from his friends and his family, but I'm so happy to be with him. I don't really know what the point of this is... I just love Wilson and love to be with him. He's a fantastic guy, like I've said many times before, and I'm lucky to have such a good relationship with him.

1212 Out.

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