Calliander and Caniprokis

In category:News
Post by:LioConvoy

Shut up both of you. In short... Calliander, stop being a penis fiend. Yeah, you don't think America should go to war for any reason. Fine, great... let's all sit here Till the land we love is destroyed landmark by landmark. Because that's what these pig fuckers will do. This point of view has become so predominant that we'll go to war for anybody BUT ourselves. Now, generally, I don't believe in war either. I didn't believe in Vietnam... Nobody knew what the fuck we were fighting for. I didn't believe in the gulf war because it was a war fought for oil and money. I do believe in any war that will result from this. The reason? These people attacked us where we live. They turned our very streets into a warzone. They declared war on us.

Now, the song you posted is indeed anti-war. But it's a song against wars fought for the wrong reasons. Money and Oil are wrong reasons. Fighting against a new government coming to power, that isn't that popular with our way of life, is the wrong reason. But sometimes, unfortunately war is justified. Sometimes you have to defend what's yours. The murder of six million Jews is not the wrong reason to go to war. The murder of over 20000 (that was the last count I heard, could be more) Americans in a single hour is not the wrong reason to go to war.

Now, Caniprokis, don't think I'm letting you off the hook either. Now, you realize that Calliander says stupid shit all the time. A lot of times i think he just chooses the least popular opinion, and runs with it to places it shouldn't go, just to piss people off. You just have to realize it's Calliander being Calliander and let it slide.

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