Buying a new crack pipe, enjoying some fisting

In category:Sex
Post by:Pappy

I have been wanting to add to my little list, but alas. I am going to Virginia for a day and a half in about 12 days or so, perhaps I will add the flight to the list. I did forget one other place: the airport itself, when you are waiting for more than six hours.. why not, especially since there is no shortage of porn.

I have also noticed that besides sex, I haven't been thinking of anything else except cars. Cars and sex.. or sex in cars.. and crack.. sex while on crack.. I guess I'm just a normal 20 year old male.

After I got home the other day, I was trying to find something juicy in the newsgroups for MC, I found the almost perfect photo. I am sure there are better photos of "The Fist" in use, and this is almost somewhat tasteful.. or not.

Broken image: /pics/thefist0.jpg
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