Brain Farts

In category:Misc
Post by:FlyingTim

Summer is coming. I'll tell you how I know.

The days are starting to lose their meaning. I'm starting to lose track of time, slowly. And not like I'm blacking out, but because at the end of the school year, professors can one of two ways. They can either adopt the attitude of the students, and start to slack off with us, or they can turn things up and demand more work. My professors have always slowed down, which is a nice thing. So I go to class less. One class doesn't have a final, and one just ended, also with no final. That leaves me with 2 classes. So the days kind of slide together, which is a great feeling. Also, the weather is fucking perfect, especially today. It wasn't hot, and it was a little breezy. Fucking gorgeous. I only have work to think about, which is a bit of a problem.

I get paid shit at my current job. So, for the summer, I'm trying to find a better paying job. Which is really stressful. Starting a new job is tough anyway, but the harder part in my situation is leaving my old job. I usually enjoy it, but I have a lousy boss. But as a guy, he's my friend. Out of the store, he's great. Today, I went to a car show with him. It was fun. But come tomorrow morning, he's going to turn into my boss again, which isn't so fun. But I'm important over there, and when I leave, it's going to leave a hard to fill void. So I'm not looking forward to leaving and starting over somewhere else. If anyone knows a job I can take on without having to quit my present job, please let me know. Ffeh.

I haven't been able to win a game of solitaire since the day before yesterday. I wasn't really trying until this evening, but it's pissing me off now. I mean, why can't I do this? Have I become retarted this weekend? It's not that hard a game, I used to even be good at it. Now, I can't buy a fucking win. What the fuck?

So Lio's home for a week or so, before he trundles back to where he goes to school. The other night, Caniprokis, Gatekeeper, LioConvoy, Calliander and myself all went to the Outback Steakhouse. It was wonderful. Completely satisfying, and not just in the insane amounts of meat sense. It was cool to hang out with old friends who I hadn't seen in a while, namely Lio and Gatekeeper. Since Lio lost all that weight, he seems to be different. I think he smiles a lot more. He hatched this wing scheme, about how we could make a shitload of money running a wing place, and delivering to dorms and shit. The whole time, he had this gigantic grin on his face. I've always liked Lio, and he's always been a friend of mine, but it seems like he's happier now. That's great. And the same goes for Gatekeeper. I mean, he hasn't changed a lot, except for the weight thing as well, but he seems different too. This got me thinking again.

I think that we all have grown up some since we all parted ways and went to college, which is a good thing. I think college has taught us that the time we spend apart from each other makes us enjoy the time we spend together all the more enjoyable.

Enough of the philosophizing. I'm watching Comedy Central, and Revenge of the Nerds 4 is on. That's right, 4. Most people don't even know they took it that far. The first one was fucking awesome, and after that, it was all downhill. In the second one, they go to Ft. Lauderdale. In the third one, the introduce new nerds. And in the fourth one, Booger gets married. Yeah, that's right. Booger gets married. That is utterly inbelievable. The film quality is fairly poor, it doesn't even look like this one went to the theatres. But I really don't care. The plot lines are all recycled from the pure genius that was the original, and the acting is stale. But I still laugh my balls off. Does that make me an idiot? I don't really care. I like it.

On a final note, if you're a guy, and you can't identify with that song, "Flavor of the Week," then you're one of those assholes in the song, and you should be castrated. For any more inflammatory opinions, feel free to email me. Suck my dick.

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