Boston and stuff

In category:Life
Post by:Levres

It's funny to hear you all talk about Boston. I don't know why really, but it just amuses me. I've never really been too fond of the place. I mean, it's loud and dirty and too busy and I never feel like I know where I am going or what I am doing. I don't know.

Anyway, about living in Boston, I'm applying for a job this summer in Boston. It's like a camp type deal for 6 weeks. If I understand correctly, they'll pay for my housing and maybe even my food and such AND I get a stipend of something like $3,000. Seems like a good deal to me. I don't know if I really want to live in Boston, but maybe I'll like it. Anyhow, wish me luck!

Spo, do get yourself feeling better. Being sick is no good.

Caniprokis, how come you left so early? I thought you'd be around on Saturday?

Oh, and a quick note. Pappy, when I'm at your house and I say that I am tired and that I want to leave, it is because I am tired. It's not because I am bored or not being entertained. You could have a male stripper there dancing for me and I'd still be tired and want to go to bed. So please, don't take it personally. All it is really is that on Fridays I am up at the ass crack of dawn (like 7:30) and by the time 1:00 am rolls around, I'm REALLY tired. I wish that I wasn't. I wish I could spend more time with you all. So, yeah, hope that explains a bit.

Now I'm going to go back to studying for the geometry exam I have Tuesday. Wish me luck because I think it's going to wipe the floor with me, kick my ass, beat me down. I'm going to fail. I'm going to get crushed! I hate exams sometimes.

1212 Out.

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