
In category:Journal
Post by:MC

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Well, here I am sitting in my dorm room with nothing better to do than write a post on a web site. This isn't about anything important, it's just something to do to try to get over the boredom of today. So, I've been sitting in an empty room for about 3 days now. I think it's about time I got to leave this place. The room is starting to echo when I talk, and that's definitely not a good thing. And everybody around me is moving out ... but do I get to? No, I don't get to fly out of the stupid East coast until early Sunday morning. I finished with finals yesterday at 5, but I'm still sitting around ... and getting extrememly pissed off at nothing.

So, let's see ... my summer plans. Well, my mother says that I have to get a job, but I don't really know how that's going to fly because I've never had one before. Yes, I just said that I'm 18 and have never had a job. What can I say? I'm a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl. It's a great thing to be. So maybe I'll end up with a job this summer, and maybe I won't. All I know is that this summer better not be incredibly boring. Hell, I'm a college student ... I should be able to find something fun to do, right?

Well, let me just tell you how awesome next semester is going to be. Kelly and I are going to be having some phattie parties!! It should be interesting to see how the whole school thing works out though. No, actually I think we're going to do work. I know I have to because my rents are already ripshit at me, but that's something different, and I'll rant about that when I get my grades.

But yeah, I'm outta here to find something to do in a place where there's no one left ....

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