Booze, Ganja, and Psychotropics...

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Yeah... uhm Levres... controlled substances and psychotropics... not a good idea on any level. Take it from someone who knows. I take 1250 mg of Depakote per day to control my epilepsy. It's also used for bipolar disorder, but I use it for epilepsy, however a nice side affect of it is that I don't fly into psychotic berserker rage like I used to before starting on the drug. Anyhow I'm off topic. Yeah... this summer I decided I'd get cute and play brain chemist. I'd just turned twenty one, and thought... "Hey, I'm an adult, I don't need to listen to any nuerologist's warnings about not doing controlled substances." So I started consuming everything insight. I was particularly fond of Jack Daniels and Weed. This tempo kept up for six months. Every Saturday I'd get trashed or high, or both. Nothing was happening. I thought this was great, all my teenage years I'd spent being a weenie and not having fun. I'd hit phat blunts and large bottles of JD... It was fuckin' fun as hell. Then one night over winter break, I'm hitting a shitty little roach with my mom, and the next thing I know, I wake up on the chair I'd been sitting in, my legs were sore, my tongue bitten to hamburger. My mother told me I'd had a seizure. I was shocked, 7 years seizure free... and now this. It didn't make any sense either. I'd just spent 6 months killing my liver and frying braincells, and I'd been no worse for the wear. Then one shitty little joint did me in. It just goes to show that brain chemistry is a strange thing... that none of us understand too well. Now, I'm not saying you're going to have a seizure, but I am saying that you don't know what type of damage you are doing to your brain right now. Just some food for thought.

LioConvoy out...

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