Bob's College o' Knowledge

In category:Misc
Post by:FlyingTim

I think there are about 2 weeks left in this school year for me, and while I still have one more full semester to go, I've never felt to close to not having to go to school anymore for the first time in my life.  And it's kinda scary.  I don't know what in the world I'm going to be doing for a job when I'm done there, but I have to have some sort of full time thing by winter break of next semester in order to have medical insurance.  So it looks like one more semester and I'll be some kind of grown up or something.  I can't wait to be there, I suppose.  I don't really relish job hunting and going to interviews and freshening my resume and making phone calls, but I'd love to just have a job and go there every day and be paid reasonably for the work I do, and when I come home, I'm home.  No homework and no studying bullshit.  That's really my last gripe about school...fucking homework.  Right now I'm trying to plod through an 8 page paper for my Literary Analysis class. (You can't spell analysis without anal) I'm having the hardest time trying to get this bullshit paper out.  I'm a fifth year senior, with like a million credits and a specialization in creative writing in the english department, and I can't write this goddam thing.  I guess it just shows that my heart isn't in it anymore.  That's why I can't wait to get out of school...I like my job at the garage, and it's not because it's a garage and I'm a gearhead, it's simply because I get paid for my hours put in.  School takes my money, endlessly, and all I get is more busywork for my troubles.  No one there is helpful, they're cutting funding and staffing, cutting courses and availibility, raising tuition and prices at the book store, and all to go to a school that barely has a place for you to park.  You have to practically park in Brookside, New Haven's premier urban shooting gallery.  And there aren't always even spaces.  And heaven help you if you park on the grass, they'll ticket your ass.  Meanwhile, the city of New Haven paid a consulting company 400,000 beans to tell them they can use advertisements on the squad cars to save money.  Maybe that's what I'll do when I get out of Southern Connecticut State Penitentiary...I'll be a consultant.  Even when the economy is in the shitter, they're still making plenty of cash.  Bloody marvelous.

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