Bling Bling

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

New Years was fun. Stone and I made punch, it was good. Poor Caniprokis and arcee were left with quite a mess tho.

Here is my theory on how to avoid such messes:
As people enter, you take a cash deposit from them. You hand them a marked cup with their name on it. You get your deposit back only if you return your cup to a specified place (the trash, or sink). That still leaves the problem of paper plates and stuff.. well, i dont know what you can do about that without yelling. hunch gave a speel about using the trash can early on in the evening.. didnt work out.

This leads to another topic. The proverb "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his life" (or something like that.. i may have made up that variation). Many people believe it is a proverb out of the old testament for some reason. It is Chinese. I realise that you may find that hard to believe considering the chinese are known for their cheating, but its true.

This leads to yet another topic. The nazis hate jews.. but christians were once jews too.. the old testament is written by jews.. so, what is wrong with this picture.

This leads to another topic too.. why is it that a clean pair of socks can smell like feet? Shouldnt the washing machine make them smell rosey fresh again?

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