Blind Dates

In category:Sex
Post by:Calliander

I actually think blind dates are a good idea. There's always the chance that you'll end up with some crazy axe-murderer, but to counter that you only need bring a chainsaw on your date. Seriously, blind dates sort of put that, "Sweet Jesus, what the hell am I going to say?" mentality into you, which helps you become more open and more spontaneous. Really, any date helps with that, but I think that not knowing who you're going to be meeting up with makes it even more jolting. Plus, the more you go on, the more confident you'll get in dealing with them womens. You'll find out quicker what you like and don't like about a girl, and you'll even help your date out in the same aspects. It's good for everyone.

I was watching this program on Mtv the other night where they had these relationship-challenged people hang out with dating counselors. While the idea of it seemed yet another stupid Mtv thing, it was actually a really interesting show. These people were not getting dates because they had some sort of stigma to overcome. The dating counselors basically forced them into positions where they had to face their fears, gave them advice, and you're lead to believe that the "trainees" were changed forever. I say go for it with blind dates, regular dates, etc. You really have nothing to lose. Except your life, of course, if you get the psycho axe-freak. Hehe.


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