Bleh, what did I start

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Okay, well.. I feel bad.

See, on Saturday Wilson was with his folks and I entertained Levres and her friend over in my room. We watched a movie, and played some drinking games. Levres is a flirty person, always has been.. and well.. Preacherman reacts differently to the flirts than other folks.. he was a bit drunk, and at one point in the evening, Levres was on my bed resting and Preacherman lay down and passed out next to her. I had my video camera out, and Levres friend was sort of yelling at Preacherman because he had his arm partially on Levres and Levres is a friend's (Wilson) girlfriend.. so its not exactly cool to do, so Levres starting say "I love you [Wilson].. [insert other sappy stuff]" to the camera, and that was the video tape.

Now, I thought it was hilarious.. I started telling Wilson about it on Sunday or Monday, but I hesitated because I started realizing he might take it the wrong way. Well, he did take it the wrong way when he found out. See, again, it is a funny tape. To me, its the sort of thing that everyone would be amused by.. Levres had no wrong intentions, and Preacherman was passed out and maybe a bit confused.

Anyway, so now Wilson blames Levres (which I think is just not right since she did nothing wrong.. he doesnt like how she didnt tell him what happened.. there isnt anything to tell.. I only thought he should watch the video because of the entertaining value.. we also have footage of the Friday evening.)

It's stupid, but whatever.. Wilson is hurt I suppose.

They just left after watching the tape... I think Wilson expected more to have been going on rather than Levres just laying there saying "I love you [Wilson]" to the camera. It was innocent drunken antics gone wrong.

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