
In category:Drunk
Post by:Pappy

Well, I am hung over. Good and hung over. Not feeling so dehydrated anymore, but still hung over. Tired too.

Had an interesting day yesterday. Woke up to learn of a power outage in Connecticut, so I went into work. Had dinner at my parents' house. Did a bit more work, and then went out to meet my cousin for drinks. My cousin is going back to africa this week, so it was basically to say bye to him and his family.

My cousin is 30, his wife is 29, and they have a little daughter who is 6. The wife has a sister in Washington DC who is 22 and she has a husband who is about 27. I met all of them in Branford at 'Margaritas'. Everyone was drinking margaritas, so i ordered one too. Then again and again another round was ordered. Somewhere in the mix we all did shots. So, by 11 or 12 I was quite drunk and in a Days Inn room.

I then found myself in the local diner (across from teh days inn) with the bald eagle, [bz], and the spic. I had coffee and a bagel. I then went home.

I am freezing in here, and angry because i spilled coke on myself this afternoon.

Speaking of coke. I saw the movie 'blow' on Friday. It was very good.. not an upper tho.

I am afraid I might fail physics this semester. I hate the professor and I did not do well on the last test.

Ohh.. just thought of something, see next rant.

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