
In category:People
Post by:wilson

I just did a fun thing.. Type a topic, then hit return and posted it by accident. I would like it if more of you just started posting topics... Give us something to all think about, or possibly reflect upon.

Anyway... It's not that good to be back up at school. I'm very sick of school.. sick of school, sick of school, sick. I want to drain a bottle of cough syrup every morning, and just go back to bed. Class at 11am tomorrow (That's after a MILE walk, more like.. uhh, I don't know, what do you call those people that walk fast.. right, speed walk)... I'm already trying to figure out a way to not go to it. Fucking midterms, next week, in that class, and I've got a fucking conflict. Oh, like I want to take a Calculus exam and a Databases exam at all. Yay. The fag in the databases class only gives "oral makeup exams"... One of the interpretations of that is scarier than the next.

Anyway, I read up on that flag shit.. Here's a link.. More typical crap. I just wish people would take a fucking stand on things, rather than standing here, constipated, and saying crap to be inflammitory, or smart, or cute, or 10012031284 other things that might make me say, Oh, Geeee.. I guess I was all wrong about this, blah blah blah. If you oppose a war, then have the fucking courage of your convictions when the time comes.. the same goes with supporting the war. I'm sick of hearing people talk out of their asses, and I'm sick of having to listen to people with a bullshit detector contstantly on, trying to determine if what I am hearing is a lie or not.. I guess I've come to the point where none of that is cute anymore. It kinda makes me sad.

That pointless block of text having been typed, on to Mark. Mark, dump the bitch. I would like to make a few points, and I would like to give you a few suggestions. First, there's nothing worse than being with some bitch you can't stand. It *Only makes things worse* to stick with her just because you're so deballed that you can't take off the skirt and break up with her. Second, you're in a very amicable position, in some respects. Slowly get all of your shit out of her house.. If you ever want to see that fucking hooded sweatshirt again, be smart and come up with some excuse about how you need it, same goes with anything else you gave her. You can start stealing from her if you would like as well, if you're going to fuck her friend, then you're not going to be friends anyway. The best way to fuck her friend is to just start doing it, if you can.. then you really fuck up their friendship, too, and since "she sux" you're doing everyone a favor. Here's a little gem that you might enjoy employing.. Just pick up the phone one day, preferably after you've started fucking her friend, and tell her "You're not that pretty, and you're not that special, and I don't ever want to talk to you again". I like the cold impersonality of the telephone for a message like this. Leave it on her answering machine, if you can. If you get really lucky, the answering machine will be in the middle of her house, and her entire family will get to hear it... For this reason alone, I feel that thanksgiving day is the day to do the deed. I understand Pappy's sentiment on spending money on her, but just give her some excuse about her gift was special made and isn't here yet, or some crap, and then spend that money on some good ludes to make that new lady feel special.

Good ways to end the relationship include fucking some other girl, forcing her to things that neither one of you really "enjoy" in bed, but make her feel really degraded afterwards.. Think a gallon of canola oil, her kitten, a tangerine, and a ratchet set. Be sure to get pictures of all of this, and send them to us.. Finally, and I can't stress this enough, break off all contact with her.. It doesn't do anyone any good to just sit there and moan and cry into the phone when you could be out getting sick of a new girl - let's face it, you were done with this skank a long time ago.. you've had enough time to grieve.

That's all I've got, I guess. The other day I was thinking, as I talked to one of my floormates, exactly what is it that goes on in someones mind when they go and get a tounge ring. Now, I'm totally going to wipe guys out of this equation, because I think that's many more levels of confusion that I'll never be able to comprehend. When a girl gets her tounge pierced, is she acknowledging that she expects every guy she bumps into to want a blow job from her? The more interesting question, I think, is if this is any different than how girls without tounge rings think? I mean, what's the difference, really... I guess just the attracting someones attention to your tounge and mouth let's on something about your personality, or then again not. See, I was wondering about this, and I'm still fucking puzzled.

My roommate got a tattoo... I think it's because he think's it will get him laid. Actually, I think that everything guys do, revolve one way or another around that.. Another odd thought. Like, if you didn't care about getting laid, how would you live your life? I bet it would be pretty different.. I wonder how much fun it would be. Keep in mind here that I'm talking about getting laid, not being in a strong committed relationship or anything like that.. There's a difference to me, anyway. The persuit of one as opposed to the other seems to make sense to me, I don't know if that makes any sense. I don't know where I get off judging, either.. I honestly don't care if there are people that just want to be in relationships, or if there are just people who want to get laid.. there's a niche for everyone.

Anyway, there's all this crap swimming im my head.. its 4am on a fucking monday, what am I doing up. I would like to get a really strong telescope, then figure out a way of travelling faster than the speed of light.. That way I could look back at the earth and watch myself grow up, see what things used to be like. I think that would work.


Naked time never comes soon enough!
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