Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I have been not posting. Those of you who emailed me to complain, die. I am busy, I have things to do, places to be.

I will be posting more regularly again, but as I mentioned before.. some posts may be private. Private means no one can read them (not even other posters) for at least 6 weeks.

I wish people I knew didn't read this site.. I'd have a LOT more to say.

There is a part of me that likes to talk about people I know behind their backs. I seldom do that with people I know.. instead I'll use IRC to talk about people. It can be quite brutal, especially when my opinion on a person is low that day.

I like to say that so-and-so's friend is a shithead, likes to touch small children, and has hygiene issues. I can't say that if so-and-so reads this site. And the problem is, not only does so-and-so read the site, but so do their friends. So I solved this problem by putting a 6 week delay on post appearances. At the end of 6 weeks, so-and-so's friend wouldn't know I am talking about them unless it was a REALLY unique situation (like when person C got their penis stuck in the vacuum cleaner.. it doesn't happen that often).

Also, too many readers know who the posters are. This is because the fucking posters tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends.. next thing you know its not anonymous. We all have handles for a reason.. to hide.

So.. I'm not sure what has come of this experiment. People either need to stop caring about people knowing how they feel.. or.. well.. i guess thats the only option.

It'll get figured out.

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