Black people think I'm famous

In category:Life
Post by:wilson

Yeah, I don't get it either. For the third time today, black people have accused me of being famous. Actually, today it was TWO black ladies. I hear an "Excuse me, sir! I know you from the movies!" on my walk back from grabbing a burrito down the way. True to form, they then both freak out when I turn around to talk to them.. which, well, that's an interesting feeling. Of course, when I press them on it, they have no idea who I am or what movie, just that "they know me from the movies". Other black people have yelled at me from across the street about it. Now, this has only happened down-town (that's where we have black people in LA) and only on this one street between work and the burrito place... so, fuck, maybe it's the lighting or something. Well, anyway, black people think I'm famous - but who the fuck do they think I am? The only hint I can give you is that they all freak out specifically in the sense that I'm a "movie star", so no made for TV roles here, herpes commercials, etc. Like I said to Lib one of the other times it happened, at least they're not shouting "kill whitey" or calling me "cracker ass cracker" (quite fond of that moniker, fwiw)... these days I just get to be the white guy they mistake for that other white guy.

I'm just scratching my head on this one.

Wilson out.

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