Bill Maher needs to die

In category:Misc
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

What a fucking yohan this prick is, I mean I've hated his smart ass condescending half assed liberal bullshit for years but what he said the other day takes the fucking cake. He actually said, out loud, on national tv, that the terrorists were not "cowards", and that the US military, in fact, are cowards, because they launch missles safely from their planes. Now I've always known about his kind (guilt filled self loathing liberals), but I didn't know even the stupidest of them would say something like that on national tv. I'm so sick and tired of these people that think the world would be a beautiful wonderful place if it wasn't for big evil America destroying the environment and hampering world peace. Now I'm not panning all liberals, some like my good pal Stone are standing behind their country and not being stupid. As for the others, like Bill Maher, go fuck yourself and hop the next plane to Afganistan. Go live there and work on world peace. Oh, and watch out for the mines. As for that Falwell pig, what a fucking outrage he is. For those of you who don't know, he promptly blamed the terrorist attacks on gays and pro choice people, because "God is angry about their lifestyles" and this is him taking out that anger on us. I'm often dumbfounded at how great so many religious people are at raping and twisting the basic tenets of their religion for their own gain and control. As a Christian I'm infuriated, the very heart of my religion is that God loves all and forgives all. The notion that he would take out "anger" on people that Mr. Falwell doesn't agree with by killing several thousand innocent people would be laughable if this douchebag didn't publicly state it. Things like this are why I disregard organized religion, and answer only to God himself in matters of spirituality. No middle man trying to control my mind for his own agenda, thank you very much.

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