BIG news…

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Well guys I've been mighty silent recently, haven't had time to talk to anyone... I haven't spoken to some of my friends since the wedding. I've cited numerous times that the cause of this has been the search for a home. Well as of 9 A.M. this morning Jocelyn and I are the proud owners of a condo in Cromwell.

Now "they" say never to do business with friends or family, and I generally try to follow this edict... but this time, opportunities presented themselves and it got pretty hairy at the last minute. Now for as long as Jocie and I have been going out, we have hung out on occasion with a couple she knows at their condo. When we set out to find a home of our own we said "wouldn't be swell if we could get a condo like Meghan and Josh's". Well no sooner did we say that, than Meghan and Josh put their condo on the market. The next few months were a whirlwind of paper work and various lenders and real estate, just about all of which Jocie handled. We were supposed to close on Tuesday, but the lenders didn't get the paperwork together in time... but by the end of the evening we signed what we could and were just going to drop the papers off in the morning, trade checks and deeds and keys. Well, the lender took their time giving us the money. It was somewhere during that time that everyone in my immediate vicinity lost their shit. Jocie and her friends were trying to smooth things out, then my dad (Our lawyer) started getting pissed off at everyone. Apparently he started off swearing at the lenders, then the sellers attorneys, then finally at my mom and Jocelyn. After this insanity, Jocie called me at work stating that if I didn't come home and straighten out everything, she was leaving to go live with her mother until we found another place to live.

So in a short period of time, my father had gone completely mad, my wife had threatened to run off to her mothers on me, and my condo deal was falling through my fingers. So I had to leave work, for which I got a verbal warning (It's the end of the year, all personal/sick time was used up), and I had to lay my pimp hand down on everyone around me. I went home, ran damage control on all parties, did my best Henry Kissinger, and at the end of the day everything was in order. This wasn't very hard, but the thing was everyone had gotten so pissed at each other, no one was willing to listen to anyone else. All I had to do was keep in contact with everyone and it all sorted itself out.

It's been a long hard road to hoe, but we finally got it... The Filth Home.

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